Good Old Fashioned Lunch
I made a quick stop at the market to pick up a few groceries for the week. My daughter just loves my homemade lunches. Many of the other kids at school bring "Lunchables", which I fondly call "CRAP-ables. Many moms in my neighborhood do not work, Could they at least throw some real honey roasted turkey on some bread? Nope, instead they opt for the process cheese product and mystery meat on crackers. Poor little Tommy has ADD, ADDDHD, ADDDDHHDD, WHY? Couldn't be because he just woofed down 2000 megagrams of nitrates followed by 12 ounces of fructose corn syrup, and we can't forget the special s'more treat with extra frosting. Calm down Tommy, It's not nice to sucker punch the teacher in the stomach while puking at the same time.
Where was I ? Oh so I'm at the deli counter waiting in line and I have to pull one of those number thingys. I look down, NO SHIT I'm number 69! There it is.. Your number 69, when called it's your turn for service.
See what I mean, just another reason NOT to buy a lunchable. SERVICE PLEASE..............
That is such a great picture and the feminine finger nail is perfect. Given the people at our local delis I don't know that would be such a lucky number. I might just have to drop it and run screaming from the place. Again.
(tries so hard to resist pork and white meat comments)
My favorite kind of lunch.
Fred, Mr Grunt, do I see a connection here? do you two shop at the same deli?
Lori: please explain hhhmm?
That is my favorite thing to do at lunch time. LOL
The good ole number 69.
Maggie May In the case of number 69, one is the lonliest number that there ever be....
Lori: can you do that in the grassy knoll where you work? Maybe that should be a new lunchable. 69ables,low carb, no fat
Mia there is plenty of places to hide and have fun at lunch time.
Ah, 69. The one time it truly is better to give than to receive.
I agree with you on the processed foods. My girls get just sandwiches and fruit, no crisps, no chocolate. And your ticket number? How unbelievably funny. Who's Mr, Melt? Details Mia
rach: I never kiss and tell...
Life's too short: We all got crapables growing up, hell my mom smoked, and had a drink or two during her pregnancy back then. Oh, can't forget my brother and I hanging out the back of the station wagon window.. times sure have changed.
Parents in this age are soooo lazy and stupid! Most of them. My wife and I absolutely reFUSE to buy our daughter CRAPables. It's surprising to us just how many parents actually DO buy them!
[huff huff huff]
You even have a sexy finger???? Is there any part of you that's NOT sexy? I'm longing for an HNT of the sole of your foot, by the way... just so's you know!
Hells teeth - if Fred and I shop the same deli one of us has a heckuva drive. At least we have women att ours - unfanciable ones, but they are women (in the same fashion that East German women shot-putters used to be). 69 *shudder*
Okay, I just tried to post a comment but the Internet ate it!
So, I'll try again.
Very funny post. Only you, Mia....only you.
Just tell me you weren't wearing the pearls.
Jas: the sole of my foot? I'll get back to you....
Hoosiergirl: No pearls that day, just a big smile
He has a foot fetish, Mia! Watch out! (grin)
I am home today and I am doing the blog rounds!
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Next! OK, assume the position!
I don't have any fetish!!!
Well... yes I do. I admit it. I'm so ashamed.
aw shucks!
and i'm in love with LUNCHABLES!!!
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