Because of my chosen career I am exposed to many medical advancements, studies and research documents. Here is one that came across the wire today.
A penis transplant was reversed after two weeks. Surgeons at Guangzhou General Hospital in China performed a fifteen hour surgery on a 44 year old man. His penis had been severely damaged in a traumatic accident. ( ? remember the Bobbits)
The micro surgery (you'll see why it was called micro read on) was successful. However the penis was removed two weeks later because of severe psychological problems of the recipient and his wife. The FOUR inch organ had to be CUT OFF. The patient finally decided to give up further treatment because of his wife's psychological rejection.
OK: It's bad enough your original unit is damaged beyond repair. Then You get all excited because you have just been informed, "We have a penis donor!" Wooohoo. You go through the surgery.... wake up... and check out your brand new package. OMG!!!! It's smaller than a thumb!
As if that's not bad enough (guys worst nightmare) your wife needs major meds and shock treatment at the sight of it. AAAAHHH
My conclusion: Perhaps when considering a penis transplant, avoid china and maybe go to Africa
You are seriously awesome! Not just awesome. Seriously awesome. And it takes a lot to be SERIOUSLY awesome.
Great post!
Nerdboy thanks, I was laughing so hard when I read this news. It was a serious work document. I swear I was snort laughing. I NEVER do that
Py: What does Canada have to offer please do tell
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Canada offers nothing, jonathan america? Uhhh...ever been there?
hey now a friendly blog, we don't we no stinkin middle east turf wars going on. I'm sure Canada and America both have something to offer. Heck while we're at it throw in Italy
Very interesting.
Thanks for visiting my blog
lol! nice post u hv here. but africa wud be too far way - too long - :), it may hurt
Well, I don't know much about Canada... but the women there are absolutely gorgeous and wonderful in nearly every way!
Now, California? We have MUCH to offer here! Oh yes. We have very much!
I would say more, but I'm not certain if this blog is rated X.
Ok the post is about... the nub of this poor man's penis. Anyof you guys have surplus to donate.. huh? d ya do ya
Oh my gosh! That is wild!
African with an asian penis...hhhmmm...interesting.
What a horrible story!
(Note to self: Avoid getting penis cut off. End note.)
-- david
Oh God - too damn funny!
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