Confucius say
I met this great guy the very first part of June. We both love any type of Asian fare so.. on one of our first few dates we went to a Vietnamese restaurant. Awesome place, company, and all around good time. We (he) gets the check and of course the fortune cookies. He holds them up to his head and decides which one is mine. We open them up, Mine says: " The smart thing to do is to prepare for the unexpected" I read it out loud. He says, "bullshit, I got the same one". I asked the owner." hey are all these the same?" He said he has never seen two people get the same fortune cookie and I have been here 10 years. Fast forward, Two weeks ago, same great guy, different dining establishment, mmm PF Changs. Dinner, drinks, fortunes... GTFO! Same fortunes, "You will be thankful for the pleasures of the coming months"
First, not that I believe in fortune cookies, but has anyone ever had this happen? What do you think it means?
I have never had it happen before, I would just sit back and enjoy the ride. ;)
It means you're pregnant.
New to me. It probably means that they have run out of good fortunes.
-- david
Confuscious say:
When 2 get same fortune cookie-
time to try new restaurant.
I think that great guy of yours is probably slipping the waiter a little cash so he'll rig the cookies.
Instead of PF Chang's, have him take you to Chuck's House of Eggroll. See what kind of fortune you get there.
To all: It means jackshit, we broke up
Sans, how funny, thanks for stopping by.
(Came here through pyrhonik)
I think it is FATE! ;-)
Magik thanks for stopping by. Read a few comments up..... we broke up, not fate, not mate only one fortune cookie on my plate
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