Everyone at the pool party was aghast that I brought my date. Just look at the faces of those jealous souls. They did not appreciate my PDA. I really don't care what people think of us anymore. We love each other and I'm not going to hide it. We are outing ourselves. No more hiding, we are going to live our lives like any normal couple.
*snickers* Let the mofos suck on some other banana if they don't like it! Free love people! Free love for all men, women and animals!!!
I'm soooo glad you left a comment on my blog... I panicked slightly earlier when I realized I had forgotten the address of your blog and I wanted to go back and laugh at the grasshopper.
Yay! Blog buddies!!!
I am here via Polymans, I was reading your profile and it says St.Louis I just moved back here after 14 years of living in Florida.
BTW what a great find tonight your blog. ;)
Thanks Lori, Welcome to our city. My family still lives in Florida. St Louis Hints I wish someone told me: Do not eat a toasted ravioli, Imos is not really pizza, a pork steak is really a pork BUTT! If someone asks where you went to school say: home school. Jack Buck died in case you did not know. as if
Toasted ravioli is yummy if you're not too far into the upper crust of social circles...
I agree, Imo's should just call themselves "the square beyond compare," and leave off "pizza."
Pork butt - Mmmmmmm. (licks lips) Hey, we should get together and have some filet mign... er, um, I mean "beef back" sometime. ;)
So do dolphins insist on holding the remote?
"Meet me in St.Louie, louie...
La, la, la."
Hey- Are you on that fish on porpose?
Your getting popular.
DAVE: don't guys hold whatever they can, of course he holds the remote
POLYMAN: SO you are a punner eh? You are a very artistic and creative writer as well. I only aspire to be as popular as you.
PHY: PDA, public displays of affection in this case or a handheld electronic device like a blackberry, otherwise known as a crackberry. Thanks for the compliment!
I'm so glad you're finally going public with your true love.
Ooowee! Some hot dolphin lovin'!
LOL. Loved your PDA Mia. Hey, the girl right in front of you looks like my best friend! But she wouldn't have time to go to the beach as she's too busy getting mad at new interns who couldn't tell an x-ray from shit. I'll show her the pic anyway. :)
lol omg too funny!
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