Monday, September 25, 2006


Yesterday was my daughter's 8th birthday bash. We had a Hollywood theme. A good friend of mine was very kind to allow 12 seven and eight year olds into his home. He has an awesome home complete with a movie theatre, a real theatre! Soooo the girls are invited to a Hollywood premiere of sorts. I love party planning so we had everything down to the red carpet entrance. All the girls arrived in movie star dress up attire. Music blasting, paparazzi snapping photos.

The final touches were putting together the gift bags ( as they say in Hollywood) swag bags. I put note pads, pen (autographs you know) star lollipops, you get the idea. So at the last minute checking out of the store..... IMPULSE ITEM! a package of mexican jumping beans. Ok, so it does not go but I thought how cool, the kids will love em. I get everything home put together the gift bags and go to bed. Here's the good part, they all decided to jump at once. It was like a mexican jumping bean dance party. Beans gone wild. What the hell is in those things? I'll tell you, ewwwww. Moths eeewwwww again.To see in action: Why are they mexican and why don't we have border control for these disgusting little Larvae?


At 7:05 AM, Blogger Polyman2 said...

What a great idea and setting for a little girl's party- they must have loved it.
...and good questions concerning those silly beans.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger MIA said...

I'll have to post some part pics! It was sooo awesome and yes, when Mia does something/anything she goes all out and with 150% passion

At 10:25 AM, Blogger MIA said...

I'll have to post some part pics! It was sooo awesome and yes, when Mia does something/anything she goes all out and with 150% passion

At 10:26 AM, Blogger MIA said...

I'll have to post some part pics! It was sooo awesome and yes, when Mia does something/anything she goes all out and with 150% passion

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

What, Mia? Could you repeat that once more??? LOL

Sounds like an awesome party. ANd the mexican jumping beans...well.....I dunno..strange lil buggers! lol

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

I don't like Mexi-Jumping beans because I'd rather be playing cars or climbing up trees! But that's just me.

Frankly, if they don't jump and do tricks on their own, my attention is drawn elsewhere... like video games!


At 3:52 PM, Blogger MIA said...

OMG, how many times can I post the same post. I swear I wasn't trying to look popular *smiles*

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Trundling Grunt said...

You don't need to multi-post to be popular :-)

I wondered what the hell the little brown things were - truffles, something less savory? I didn't twig the jumping beans but did know what made them jump sad to say.

So are you raising a paparrazzi? Sounds like a cool party theme.

At 5:51 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

Thanks for telling me about the beans. Had thought of trying the same idea myself.


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