Saturday, September 30, 2006


The biotech firm Allerca has concocted kittys for people who are allergic to animals. The San Diego based company started selling the felines this month. Are you ready for this? Your little Hypo puss will set you back $3,950. Allerca indicated it had to test a very large number of cats trying to find the cats that do not carry the protien contained in cat saliva, fur and skin which produces allergies. Those cats were then used to breed the hypoallergenic cats.
What's wrong with this beside the obvious?
I think while they are at it they should do quite a bit more to make the perfect cat. What you say? Well... how about a cat that doesn't take a big crap in a box then after it's done covering it up with it's pee pee litter decide to take a stroll on the kitchen counter. Or a cat that doesn't lick itself for an entire day then decides to roll around on your nice clean laundry or take a nap. Or maybe make a cat that actually can hear. Cats never listen. Anyone care to add to my list?


At 2:22 PM, Blogger eros in wunderland said...

My cat is a voyeur.

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Trundling Grunt said...

SO many possible lines to that title, so many unusable lines...


At 7:57 AM, Blogger Girlie said...

I never forgot that line I read somewhere.

You feed a dog and take care of him and he thinks, "Wow, he must be God"

You do the same for a cat, and he thinks, "Wow! I am God"

I like my cats from Build-A-Bear

At 8:02 AM, Blogger James Burnett said...

This is wrong on so many levels. Allergies used to be the one excuse I could use for not letting my other half get a cat.

We recently got one anyway, and surprisingly it hasn't bothered my eyes, nose, etc. But I was still holding out hope that I could use that excuse to keep from having to bring a second hairy crapper into the house.

Oh, and eros, that voyeur thing is disturbing. It only took once seeing the cat sitting, and staring unblinkingly as we were in the throes of "getting along" for me to banish it to the other side of the house during future encounters.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Steven said...



At 11:34 AM, Blogger Cezi said...

Hi Mia, beautiful thing,
I'm not a cat person but that little pussy is just adorable :)

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

How about a cat that doesn't have vocal chords so it can't caterwaul in the middle of the night right next to the bedroom window?

Or one that doesn't kneed my bare legs with his claws when he chooses to select my lap to grace me with his presence? Can they take out the kneed-gene?

How about inserting a loyalty gene that will leave the cat begging for more things to do for its owner even if it is willing to be trained to do it?

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Crashtest Comic said...

I'd love to pet your pussy--if you move the damn cat.

At 7:45 AM, Blogger MIA said...

Crash test- I think I'm allergic to you

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Polyman2 said...

I had 4 cats last year. Now were down to 2 & 2 dogs. The dogs rule,
the cats stay downstairs & wont venture up till the dogs are outside. Their such pussies!

At 7:09 PM, Blogger MIA said...

POLY!!!! where are you? Meow

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

My cat is just a bitch...!! lol

At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a genetically engineered cat that changes into a dog when you clap your hands?

At 10:13 PM, Blogger MIA said...

Bug, you are brilliant as usual!

At 10:03 PM, Blogger livingjetlag said...

For almost four grand, the cat should know the difference between curtains and a ladder. He should understand that breakfast is at exactly the same time every day, and not wake you up an hour or two early to see if you fall for it. He should puke hairballs into the litterbox, and not deliberately find an upholstered or carpeted spot. Heck, for four grand, he should do my laundry and answer the phone when I'm out...


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