Saturday, October 07, 2006


So for many of you that have visited me it's no secret that I have been on an internet dating service. For some of my feelings about it go back to post FIRST KISS LAST KISS. I had mentioned it has been exhausting. I was encouraged by the comments I got and how many of you out there in blog land actually met your significants "online". I continued with my cause, finding or (them finding me) that one special person.
I recently met a great man and we had several dates until I learned while he has indicated his marriage has been over for years, he's not divorced yet. The process has just started. It has always been my opinion and rule, not to date someone that has not been divorced at least a year. I've been through it and there is quite a bit of recovery and healing that needs to take place even if you are happy with the divorce. That's my other belief, divorces are not happy. It's and ending, a breakdown, a failure. Someone you once loved and spent time with is now reduced to who gets the "good" silverware. Fortunately my divorce was 6 years ago and we did not have any good silverware. It was amicable. Even though we divorced and it was not a fighting match. It still takes time to heal.
Just when I was ready to sign off Internet Dating for good and continue to meet my dates at whole foods or starbucks..... the "internet people" sent me a list of "possible matches" -they are nice like that.
One jumped off the page. I did not have my "profile" visible so it was a challenge for me to email and make my unusual introduction. I made a short little email and also offered up my blog, just so he knew what a crack pot I was.
We chatted a bit on the phone and made a time to quickly meet. At the last minute I decided I really did not want to go. I just lolly gagged around the house, clock ticking phone in hand to cancel. Then I picked up a pair of jeans from my floor, threw on a black t-shirt, (ok the shoes were awesome) and ran out the door. Powdered my face and lip glossed in the car. Yikes I did not even brush my hair. We meet, I melt...... to be continued.

Today as soon as I finish my longest post ever, I'll pack and leave for Vegas until Wednesday. It's for work. Did I mention I love my job?
Enjoy your weekend!


At 9:45 PM, Blogger Kuan Gung said...

Best of luck...sometimes we try too hard instead of just letting things happen...

At 7:24 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

oooooh that sounds very exciting, need details of the 'melting'. hope the trip goes well

At 12:21 PM, Blogger MIA said...

PY: joy joy joy.. how can you not be immersed in joy. I'm in vegas, spas, shopping, food, pretty people, a huge hotel suite and did I mention my company is paying for it?

Kuan: Ooo yes, I'm dating with a whole new attitude. I am just letting things happen. Not going to settle, I'll know when it's really right.

Rachel: glad you are feeling better. Life should be exciting!

TO ALL: Did blogger steal my picture? where did it go and why?

At 11:12 AM, Blogger FindingHeart said...

Mia, followed a link from HoosierGirl. While I admit some VERY nice pics kept me scrolling, you are an interesting read. Your blog is giving me faith in life after 40 being newly divorced. ...not a pickup line ;) xWife remains best friend, but hope someday to find another best friend to marry. I hope there are more out there that are as you present yourself.

Great blog! Thanks for posting.


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