Thankful continued...
Another special person I'm thankful for is Chris. He recently came into my life but it could not have been at a better time. You know when everything is just right to meet the right person and you don't even expect it? You may have read in a few previous posts how much we are enjoying each other. It's great to have a connection with someone who "gets you" even more important accepts you for all you are. If life truly is a fairytale, I am a real life Cinderella, he treats me like a princess! You know what they say, If the glass slipper fits...
Happy Thanksgiving, Mia!
You two make a beautiful couple! Happy Thanksgiving and Happy HNT!
Aaaaw, the two of you make a gorgeous couple and look so happy!
Happy Thanksgiving, Mia!
happy hnt, your so pretty!!
Oh you are a gorgeous couple!! Wear that glass slipper baby!
HHNT :-)
...slip that sparkly shoe on :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
That is wonderful!
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy HNT!
He's 23? Wow..... ;-p
Happy Thanksgiving. I hope nothing turns into a pumpkin at midnight, least of all Prince Charming.
What a lovely couple you two make.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Hey Mia, You've been tagged!!!
come on play along girl!
You've been tagged.
You look beautiful together Mia.
I hope you had the very best of Thanksgiving's with your new guy,
you are one of those special people
it's nice to know.
...sorry I haven't been around much lately.
What a handsome man!!! Looks like patience paid off lipgloss wasting on this one I would say!
HOTTIE!!! (Chris, I mean...) - he looks really good for a 26 yr. old!...*winking at ya*..
Seriously, you two make a great-looking couple. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
........then wear it with a huge smile on your face, and enjoy every moment. So happy for you sweetie, and what a hottie too!
Happy Thanksgiving.
You guys are the new BenJen. Congratulations.
TO ALL: Thanks and I hope you had a really great Thanksgiving!!
LBB said we are the new Benjen..not so we are the, how about Chria? or mich? any others
OH I got it!!! cha cha cha CHIA
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